Multiples and Factors
Your students are currently working on a unit about multiples and factors. In order to effectively find multiples and factors of a given number, it is essential that students are fluent in their Math Facts from 0 x 0 to 12 x 12. They should be practicing these for homework nightly and recording the math facts that cause them the most difficulty. Feel free to use old fashioned flashcards or just "quiz" them verbally from time to time, while riding in the car, watching a sibling play soccer or shopping at Target. They should also be reviewing their "Divisibility Rules" (in the front of their Math folders) daily. Ask your student what the factors are of a number between 2 and 100. They may not know them all yet, but the tens, fives and twos should be something they can do at this point. We have learned that factors always come in pairs so if they can come up with one factor, challenge them to come up with it's "mate" Remember - every whole number has at least two factors "1" and the number itself.
Fun Fact: Zero is a multiple of every number, but only a factor of itself!!
We have also been representing multiplication as arrays. Click here to see multiplication represented as an array.
As you may have guessed, we will soon be revisiting area and perimeter. Just how many square feet is your living room? Maybe your family mathematician is up for the challenge!